Electricity is delivered to your home and/or business by your distribution company (also called your local utility), which in this case is Entegrus. Entegrus is also the company that bills you for the electricity you use. Entegrus also works with some water commissions, to include water and wastewater charges on one bill.
Customers have the option of choosing to purchase their electricity from Entegrus, or through an electricity retailer. If you choose to purchase from a retailer, you will continue to receive an Entegrus bill, but it will indicate that your power is supplied from the electricity retailer selected. For questions regarding rates and billing issues, customers must contact the retailer.
Global adjustment is already included in the Time of Use rates. It is not included within quoted retailer rates, but it is shown as a separate line item on the bill. Learn more about global adjustment on the IESO (Independent Electricity System Operator) website.
Consider using the OEB's online bill calculator to compare your bill, with an estimate of what your bill may be with a retailer (or vice versa).
For more information about Retail Energy Contracts, visit the Ontario Energy Board website.