Customer Choice

You can choose your price plan. 

If you’re a residential or small business customer, you can choose between Time-of-Use (TOU), Ultra-Low Overnight (ULO) and Tiered prices.

With TOU and ULO, the price depends on when you use electricity. This means you can help manage your electricity costs by shifting your usage to lower price periods when possible.

With Tiered, the price depends on how much electricity you use overall in a month.

Because a switch in prices can only take effect at the beginning of a billing period, it will take some time between the day you provide your election form and the day you actually start getting charged Tiered prices. Please review "Rules for TOU Customer Choice" at the end of this page prior to submitting an election form. 

If you wish to remain on TOU, no action is required. There is no deadline to switch. 


Our Rate Plan Comparison Tool is now available in My Account.

This is located under the Smart Meter tab. Compare TOU & Tiered price plans with your personal consumption data & make the choice that’s right for you. Switch with just two clicks! Login or register for My Account today:

Login/Register for My Account

Need help registering? Click here. 

If you have questions, contact us at 1-866-804-7325 (option 2) or email us.

Tools to compare pricing plans:

My Account Customers: Login to your account and use the 'Rate Plan Comparison' tool to estimate your monthly bill with your previous usage. 

Login to My Account  

Don't have My Account? Use the Ontario Energy Board Bill Calculator to estimate your monthly bill. 


Frequently Asked Questions About Customer Choice

View the drop down menu below to review Frequently Asked Questions regarding Customer Choice. Please contact us if you have any additional questions that are not included below.

About TOU Prices

With TOU prices, the price depends on when you use electricity. You can help manage your electricity costs by shifting your usage to lower price periods when possible.

About Tiered Prices

With Tiered prices, you can use a certain amount of electricity each month at a lower price. Once that limit (called a threshold) is exceeded, a higher price applies. For residential customers, the threshold normally changes with the season to reflect changing usage patterns – for example, there are fewer hours of daylight in the winter and some customers use electric heating.

About Ultra Low Overnight (ULO) Prices

With ULO, the price depends on when you use electricity. This means you can help manage your electricity costs by shifting your usage to lower price periods when possible.

Considering a Switch?

Are you thinking about switching your rate plan? Here are a few things to consider. Make sure you have some of your recent electricity bills handy as you go through the information below. Most of the information you will need is on the Electricity line of your bill.

Ways to Switch

Rules for TOU Customer Choice

If you’re a TOU customer and don’t want to switch to Tiered or ULO prices, you don’t need to do anything. You will stay on TOU prices.

If you do want to switch to Tiered or ULO prices, here are the rules that apply. These rules also apply if you later want to switch back to TOU prices.