
We appreciate our customers notifying us of streetlights in the community that require our attention. 

Please use our online form to report streetlights out in the following communities:

  • Chatham-Kent
  • Parkhill

If you are reporting a streetlight out in any of the above communities, please fill out the form below. 

Report a Streetlight Out

Ailsa Craig, Clandeboy, Kerwood & Adelaide Streetlights: 

Please email customer service with information regarding the streetlight out. Please include house number the streetlight is closest to, or nearest intersection. Please also include a telephone number where we can follow up with additional questions.  

Email Customer Service

St. Thomas Streetlights

The City of St. Thomas maintains streetlights for St. Thomas, Ontario. To report burned out or malfunctioning streetlights in St. Thomas, you can email the City of St. Thomas or phone (519) 631-1680 and press "0". 

Strathroy-Caradoc Streetlights

The Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc maintains streetlights for Strathroy, Mount Brydges and Northeast Melbourne, Ontario. To report burned out or malfunctioning streetlights, you can email or phone 519-245-1105.

Dutton Streetlights

Please contact the Municipality of Dutton-Dunwich at 519-762-2204.   

Newbury Streetlights 

Please contact the Village of Newbury at 519-693-4941 or email the office

St. Thomas Streetlights