Health & Safety

Entegrus has a corporate commitment to delivering electricity to our customers in a safe and reliable manner. Protecting and educating the public and our employees about the hazards of electricity distribution is taken very seriously.

View our menu to the left of this page for information on Powerline SafetyHome SafetyWork SafetyFlood SafetyCommunity Safety as well as Winter Preparation Tips. 

Electrical Safety Authority

Entegrus works closely with the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA). The Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) is a stand-alone, financially self-sustaining not-for-profit corporation accountable to a Board of Directors and operating as an Administrative Authority, responsible for public electrical safety in Ontario.

Some examples of how we work with the ESA: 

  • Any reported electrical contact to Entegrus is reported to the ESA.
  • New builds / service upgrades must be ESA approved before Entegrus can connect 
  • Any damage to our assets (storms, car accidents, etc.) must be reported to the ESA. 

Visit the ESA website to learn more.

ESA Logo linking to ESA website

Internal Safety Standards

Electrical Safety standards that protect the public from high voltage powerlines are applied to every construction project, and the distribution system throughout our service area is inspected regularly to ensure it is operating safely.

Entegrus is a long-standing member of the Infrastructure Health & Safety Association (IHSA) to ensure our employees are provided the tools to help them work safely. The Company participates in the IHSA ZeroQuest Program, guiding participants through the process of building a sustainable health and safety system with the goal of achieving zero injuries. Entegrus has achieved the last of the four level process, the Sustainability Level, where a firm must be constantly engaged in planning, implementing, checking, and correcting its health and safety system. Learn more about COR.

COR logo linking to IHSA website